How to Attract Customers with Building Signs

Outdoor custom channel letter sign in Omaha by First Impression Signs & Graphics

All businesses that are located in buildings need a sign to indicate what business you are. This allows customers to locate your business, understand whose front doors they are walking through, and have an expectation for the experience they will have. However, with buildings popping up all over, creating a busy marketing environment, or blocking your signage, how is your business supposed to stand out and attract customers?

If you are looking for tips and tricks on how to attract customers using building signs to your advantage, this blog will be very helpful for you. At First Impressions Signs, we are happy to help you find a way to set yourself apart and make an impact on your business.

Shine Bright Like a Diamond.

Illumination is one of the most effective ways to ensure that customers can see your commercial building sign no matter the time of day or lighting conditions. Not only will people be able to see the LED building sign or illuminated channel letters if they want to look, but the glow that this type of sign creates will demand attention. Customers will be attracted to your building sign like moths to a flame. This will ensure that your business is noticed, as well as increase the number of people who research your company or walk through your front doors.


You may be wondering, “Doesn’t illumination equal visibility?” In a way, yes, it does. However, there are other avenues that you can take to make your exterior building signs visible. Height and size are excellent ways to ensure that everyone can see your business name or logo mounted on your building. Often, small signs can be obstructed or hard to read, which is why size does matter.


The colors, fonts, and graphics that you choose for your building signs matter. If the colors you choose do not translate well, cannot be read from far away, or clash with the background color of the sign, then consumers will have a hard time consuming the message that your sign is meant to clearly convey. You have only a few seconds to attract customers, and if they must work hard to understand your sign, they will give up and move on. Use complimentary colors, easy-to-read fonts, and clear graphics to make your sign easily consumed and understood.

Use Mystery to Pique Interest

Have you ever seen a store that doesn’t display its business name, but instead it opted for its logo instead. While most businesses that take this approach to advertising are well-known, meaning their logo is known by the majority of consumers, it adds an air of mystery to the business. Consider using dimensional letters to simplify your business name or display your logo. By piquing customer interest, you will draw them to your business out of curiosity, which may lead to buying behaviors.

Working with the Best

To attract the attention of customers through signage, you first must find exceptional building sign makers who are well-versed in creating sign solutions that stand out. Luckily, the team at First Impressions Signs has extensive experience and expertise that will make the design process a breeze. Whether you’re looking for custom building signs or storefront signs, we are ready to make your vision a reality.

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